Class SubscriptionList

All Implemented Interfaces:

class SubscriptionList
extends Object
implements Iterable<AddressBook>
A list of Subscriptions loaded from a file.
  • Constructor Details

    • SubscriptionList

      public SubscriptionList​(File locationsFile, File etagsFile, File lastModifiedFile, File lastFetchedFile, long delay, List<String> defaultSubs, String proxyHost, int proxyPort)
      Construct a SubscriptionList using the urls from locationsFile and, if available, the etags and last-modified headers loaded from etagsFile and lastModifiedFile.
      locationsFile - A file containing one url on each line.
      etagsFile - A file containg the etag headers used for conditional GET. The file is in the format "url=etag".
      lastModifiedFile - A file containg the last-modified headers used for conditional GET. The file is in the format "url=leastmodified".
      delay - the minimum delay since last fetched for the iterator to actually fetch
      defaultSubs - default subscription file
      proxyHost - proxy hostname
      proxyPort - proxy port number
    • SubscriptionList

      public SubscriptionList​(String hoststxt)
      Testing only.
      hoststxt - path to a local file used as the test 'subscription' input
  • Method Details

    • iterator

      public SubscriptionIterator iterator()
      Return an iterator over the AddressBooks represented by the Subscriptions in this SubscriptionList.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<AddressBook>
      A SubscriptionIterator.
    • write

      public void write()
      Write the etag and last-modified headers, and the last-fetched time, for each Subscription to files. BUG - If the subscription URL is a cgi containing an '=' the files won't be read back correctly; the '=' should be escaped.