Interface TaskScheduler

All Known Implementing Classes:
SchedulerClosed, SchedulerClosing, SchedulerConnectedBulk, SchedulerConnecting, SchedulerDead, SchedulerHardDisconnected, SchedulerImpl, SchedulerPreconnect, SchedulerReceived

public interface TaskScheduler
Coordinates what we do 'next'. The scheduler used by a connection is selected based upon its current state.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean accept​(Connection con)
    Determine whether this scheduler is fit to operate against the given connection
    void eventOccurred​(Connection con)
    An event has occurred (timeout, message sent, or message received), so schedule what to do next based on our current state.
  • Method Details

    • eventOccurred

      void eventOccurred​(Connection con)
      An event has occurred (timeout, message sent, or message received), so schedule what to do next based on our current state.
    • accept

      boolean accept​(Connection con)
      Determine whether this scheduler is fit to operate against the given connection