Interface EntropyHarvester

All Known Implementing Classes:
FortunaRandomSource, RandomSource

public interface EntropyHarvester
Allow various components with some entropy to feed that entropy back into some PRNG. The quality of the entropy provided varies, so anything harvesting should discriminate based on the offered "source" of the entropy, silently discarding insufficient entropy sources.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void feedEntropy​(String source, byte[] data, int offset, int len)
    Feed the entropy pools with data[offset:offset+len]
    void feedEntropy​(String source, long data, int bitoffset, int bits)
    Feed the entropy pools with the bits in the data
  • Method Details

    • feedEntropy

      void feedEntropy​(String source, byte[] data, int offset, int len)
      Feed the entropy pools with data[offset:offset+len]
      source - origin of the entropy, allowing the harvester to determine how much to value the data
      offset - index into the data array to start
      len - how many bytes to use
    • feedEntropy

      void feedEntropy​(String source, long data, int bitoffset, int bits)
      Feed the entropy pools with the bits in the data
      source - origin of the entropy, allowing the harvester to determine how much to value the data
      bitoffset - bit index into the data array to start (using java standard big-endian)
      bits - how many bits to use