Class YKGenerator


final class YKGenerator
extends Object
Precalculate the Y and K for ElGamal encryption operations. This class precalcs a set of values on its own thread, using those transparently when a new instance is created. By default, the minimum threshold for creating new values for the pool is 20, and the max pool size is 50. Whenever the pool has less than the minimum, it fills it up again to the max. There is a delay after each precalculation so that the CPU isn't hosed during startup. These three parameters are controlled by java environmental variables and can be adjusted via: -Dcrypto.yk.precalc.min=40 -Dcrypto.yk.precalc.max=100 -Dcrypto.yk.precalc.delay=60000 (delay is milliseconds) To disable precalculation, set min to 0