Package net.i2p.jetty

Class I2PRequestLog

All Implemented Interfaces:
RequestLog, LifeCycle

public class I2PRequestLog
extends AbstractLifeCycle
implements RequestLog
This RequestLog implementation outputs logs in the pseudo-standard NCSA common log format. Configuration options allow a choice between the standard Common Log Format (as used in the 3 log format) and the Combined Log Format (single log format). This log format can be output by most web servers, and almost all web log analysis software can understand these formats. ** I2P Mods ** For Jetty 5, this extended NCSARequestLog to override log() to put in the requestor's destination hash, instead of, which is placed in the X-I2P-DestHash field in the request headers by I2PTunnelHTTPServer. But we also had to modify NCSARequestLog to do so, to change private fields to protected. So that we will work with system Jetty 6 packages, we just copy the whole thing and modify log() as required.
Greg Wilkins, Nigel Canonizado