Interface Job

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Analysis, BootCommSystemJob, BootNetworkDbJob, BootPeerManagerJob, BuildTrustedLinksJob, CreateRouterInfoJob, CreateSessionJob, ExpireJob, ExpireLeasesJob, ExpireRoutersJob, ExploreJob, ExploreKeySelectorJob, FloodfillMonitorJob, FloodfillRouterInfoFloodJob, FloodfillStoreJob, FloodfillVerifyStoreJob, FloodOnlyLookupMatchJob, FloodOnlyLookupTimeoutJob, FloodOnlySearchJob, FloodSearchJob, GetBidsJob, HandleDatabaseLookupMessageJob, HandleFloodfillDatabaseLookupMessageJob, HandleFloodfillDatabaseStoreMessageJob, HandleGarlicMessageJob, IterativeFollowupJob, IterativeLookupJob, IterativeSearchJob, IterativeTimeoutJob, JobImpl, LoadClientAppsJob, LoadRouterInfoJob, LookupDestJob, MessageReceivedJob, OutboundClientMessageOneShotJob, PeerTestJob, PersistRouterInfoJob, PublishLocalRouterInfoJob, ReadConfigJob, RebuildRouterInfoJob, RefreshRoutersJob, ReportAbuseJob, RepublishLeaseSetJob, RequestLeaseSetJob, SearchJob, SearchJob.FailedJob, SearchReplyJob, SearchUpdateReplyFoundJob, SendMessageDirectJob, SingleLookupJob, SingleSearchJob, StartAcceptingClientsJob, StartExplorersJob, StartupJob, StoreJob, TestJob, UpdateRoutingKeyModifierJob

public interface Job
Defines an executable task For use by the router only. Not to be used by applications or plugins.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void dropped()
    the router is extremely overloaded, so this job has been dropped.
    Exception getAddedBy()
    long getJobId()
    unique id
    String getName()
    Descriptive name of the task
    JobTiming getTiming()
    Timing criteria for the task
    void runJob()
    Actually perform the task.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Descriptive name of the task
    • getJobId

      long getJobId()
      unique id
    • getTiming

      JobTiming getTiming()
      Timing criteria for the task
    • runJob

      void runJob()
      Actually perform the task. This call blocks until the Job is complete.
    • getAddedBy

      @Deprecated Exception getAddedBy()
      null always
    • dropped

      void dropped()
      the router is extremely overloaded, so this job has been dropped. if for some reason the job *must* do some cleanup / requeueing of other tasks, it should do so here.