Class MessageHistory


public class MessageHistory
extends Object
Simply act as a pen register of messages sent in and out of the router. This will be pulled out later on, but is useful now for debugging. (with clock synchronization, this will generate a log that can be used to analyze the entire network, if everyone provides their logs honestly) This is always instantiated in the context and the WriteJob runs every minute, (except on Android, we don't set up the WriteJob) but unless router.keepHistory=true it does nothing. It generates a LARGE log file.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
    • getDoLog

      public boolean getDoLog()
    • setPauseFlushes

      @Deprecated void setPauseFlushes​(boolean doPause)
    • getFilename

      String getFilename()
    • initialize

      public void initialize​(boolean forceReinitialize)
      Initialize the message history according to the router's configuration. Call this whenever the router identity changes.
    • tunnelJoined

      public void tunnelJoined​(String state, TunnelInfo tunnel)
      The local router has joined the given tunnel operating in the given state.
      state - {"free inbound", "allocated inbound", "inactive inbound", "outbound", "participant", "pending"}
      tunnel - tunnel joined
    • tunnelJoined

      public void tunnelJoined​(String state, HopConfig tunnel)
      The local router has joined the given tunnel operating in the given state.
      state - {"free inbound", "allocated inbound", "inactive inbound", "outbound", "participant", "pending"}
      tunnel - tunnel joined
    • tunnelDispatched

      public void tunnelDispatched​(String info)
    • tunnelDispatched

      public void tunnelDispatched​(long messageId, long tunnelId, String type)
    • tunnelDispatched

      public void tunnelDispatched​(long messageId, long tunnelId, long toTunnel, Hash toPeer, String type)
    • tunnelDispatched

      public void tunnelDispatched​(long messageId, long innerMessageId, long tunnelId, String type)
    • tunnelFailed

      public void tunnelFailed​(TunnelId tunnel)
      The local router has detected a failure in the given tunnel
      tunnel - tunnel failed
    • tunnelValid

      public void tunnelValid​(TunnelInfo tunnel, long timeToTest)
      Note that we have reason to believe that the given tunnel is valid, since we could do something through it in the given amount of time
      tunnel - tunnel in question
      timeToTest - milliseconds to verify the tunnel
    • tunnelRejected

      public void tunnelRejected​(Hash peer, TunnelId tunnel, Hash replyThrough, String reason)
      The peer did not accept the tunnel join for the given reason
    • tunnelParticipantRejected

      public void tunnelParticipantRejected​(Hash peer, String msg)
    • tunnelRequestTimedOut

      public void tunnelRequestTimedOut​(Hash peer, TunnelId tunnel)
      The peer did not accept the tunnel join for the given reason (this may be because of a timeout or an explicit refusal).
    • droppedTunnelMessage

      public void droppedTunnelMessage​(TunnelId id, long msgId, Date expiration, Hash from)
      We don't know about the given tunnel, so we are dropping a message sent to us by the given router
      id - tunnel ID we received a message for
      from - peer that sent us this message (if known)
    • droppedOtherMessage

      public void droppedOtherMessage​(I2NPMessage message, Hash from)
      We received another message we weren't waiting for and don't know how to handle
    • droppedInboundMessage

      public void droppedInboundMessage​(long messageId, Hash from, String info)
    • replyTimedOut

      public void replyTimedOut​(OutNetMessage sentMessage)
      The message wanted a reply but no reply came in the time expected
      sentMessage - message sent that didn't receive a reply
    • messageProcessingError

      public void messageProcessingError​(long messageId, String messageType, String error)
      There was an error processing the given message that was received
      messageId - message received
      messageType - type of message received
      error - error message related to the processing of the message
    • banlist

      public void banlist​(Hash peer, String reason)
      We banlisted the peer
    • unbanlist

      public void unbanlist​(Hash peer)
      We unbanlisted the peer
    • sendMessage

      public void sendMessage​(String messageType, long messageId, long expiration, Hash peer, boolean sentOk, String info)
      We just sent a message to the peer
      messageType - class name for the message object (e.g. DatabaseFindNearestMessage, TunnelMessage, etc)
      messageId - the unique message id of the message being sent (not including any tunnel or garlic wrapped message ids)
      expiration - the expiration for the message sent
      peer - router that the message was sent to
      sentOk - whether the message was sent successfully
    • receiveMessage

      public void receiveMessage​(String messageType, long messageId, long expiration, Hash from, boolean isValid)
      We just received a message from the peer
      messageType - class name for the message object (e.g. DatabaseFindNearestMessage, TunnelMessage, etc)
      messageId - the unique message id of the message received (not including any tunnel or garlic wrapped message ids)
      expiration - the expiration for the message received
      from - router that the message was sent from (or null if we don't know)
      isValid - whether the message is valid (non duplicates, etc)
    • receiveMessage

      public void receiveMessage​(String messageType, long messageId, long expiration, boolean isValid)
    • wrap

      public void wrap​(String bodyMessageType, long bodyMessageId, String containerMessageType, long containerMessageId)
      Note that we're wrapping the given message within another message (via tunnel/garlic)
      bodyMessageType - class name for the message contained (e.g. DatabaseFindNearestMessage, DataMessage, etc)
      bodyMessageId - the unique message id of the message
      containerMessageType - class name for the message containing the body message (e.g. TunnelMessage, GarlicMessage, etc)
      containerMessageId - the unique message id of the message
    • receivePayloadMessage

      public void receivePayloadMessage​(long messageId)
      Receive a payload message to distribute to a client
    • sendPayloadMessage

      public void sendPayloadMessage​(long messageId, boolean successfullySent, long timeToSend)
      Note that the sending of a payload message completed (successfully or as a failure)
      messageId - message that the payload message was sent in
      successfullySent - whether the message was delivered to the peer successfully
      timeToSend - how long it took to send the message
    • receiveTunnelFragment

      public void receiveTunnelFragment​(long messageId, int fragmentId, Object status)
    • receiveTunnelFragmentComplete

      public void receiveTunnelFragmentComplete​(long messageId)
    • droppedFragmentedMessage

      public void droppedFragmentedMessage​(long messageId, String status)
    • fragmentMessage

      public void fragmentMessage​(long messageId, int numFragments, int totalLength, List<Long> messageIds, String msg)
    • fragmentMessage

      public void fragmentMessage​(long messageId, int numFragments, int totalLength, List<Long> messageIds, Object tunnel, String msg)
    • droppedTunnelDataMessageUnknown

      public void droppedTunnelDataMessageUnknown​(long msgId, long tunnelId)
    • droppedTunnelGatewayMessageUnknown

      public void droppedTunnelGatewayMessageUnknown​(long msgId, long tunnelId)