Interface ProfileManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProfileManager
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void commErrorOccurred​(Hash peer)
    Note that there was some sort of communication error talking with the peer
    void dbLookupFailed​(Hash peer)
    Note that the peer was unable to reply to a db lookup - either with data or with a lookupReply redirecting the user elsewhere
    void dbLookupReceived​(Hash peer)
    Note that the local router received a db lookup from the given peer
    void dbLookupReply​(Hash peer, int newPeers, int oldPeers, int invalid, int duplicate, long responseTimeMs)
    Note that the peer replied to a db lookup with a redirect to other routers, where the list of redirected users included newPeers routers that the local router didn't know about, oldPeers routers that the local router already knew about, the given invalid routers that were invalid in some way, and the duplicate number of routers that we explicitly asked them not to send us, but they did anyway
    void dbLookupSuccessful​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs)
    Note that the peer was able to return the valid data for a db lookup
    void dbStoreFailed​(Hash peer)
    Note that we were unable to confirm a successful send of db data to the peer, at least not within our timeout period
    void dbStoreReceived​(Hash peer, boolean wasNewKey)
    Note that the local router received an unprompted db store from the given peer
    void dbStoreSent​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs)
    Note that we've confirmed a successful send of db data to the peer (though we haven't necessarily requested it again from them, so they /might/ be lying)
    void dbStoreSuccessful​(Hash peer)
    Note that we confirmed a successful send of db data to the peer.
    void heardAbout​(Hash peer)
    Note that the local router received a reference to the given peer, either through an explicit dbStore or in a dbLookupReply
    void heardAbout​(Hash peer, long when)  
    void messageFailed​(Hash peer)
    Note that the router failed to send a message to the peer over any transport
    void messageFailed​(Hash peer, String transport)
    Note that the router failed to send a message to the peer over the transport specified
    void messageReceived​(Hash peer, String style, long msToReceive, int bytesRead)
    Note that the router received a message from the given peer on the specified transport.
    void messageSent​(Hash peer, String transport, long msToSend, long bytesSent)
    Note that it took msToSend to send a message of size bytesSent to the peer over the transport.
    void tunnelDataPushed​(Hash peer, long rtt, int size)
    Note that we were able to push some data through a tunnel that the peer is participating in (detected after rtt).
    void tunnelDataPushed1m​(Hash peer, int size)
    Note that the peer is participating in a tunnel that pushed the given amount of data over the last minute.
    void tunnelFailed​(Hash peer, int pct)
    Note that the peer participated in a tunnel that failed.
    void tunnelJoined​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs)
    Note that the router agreed to participate in a tunnel
    void tunnelLifetimePushed​(Hash peer, long lifetime, long size)
    Note that we were able to push the given amount of data through a tunnel that the peer is participating in
    void tunnelRejected​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs, int severity)
    Note that a router explicitly rejected joining a tunnel
    void tunnelTestSucceeded​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs)
    Note that a tunnel that the router is participating in was successfully tested with the given round trip latency
    void tunnelTimedOut​(Hash peer)
    Note that a router timed out joining a tunnel
  • Method Details

    • messageSent

      void messageSent​(Hash peer, String transport, long msToSend, long bytesSent)
      Note that it took msToSend to send a message of size bytesSent to the peer over the transport. This should only be called if the transport considered the send successful.
    • messageFailed

      void messageFailed​(Hash peer, String transport)
      Note that the router failed to send a message to the peer over the transport specified
    • messageFailed

      void messageFailed​(Hash peer)
      Note that the router failed to send a message to the peer over any transport
    • commErrorOccurred

      void commErrorOccurred​(Hash peer)
      Note that there was some sort of communication error talking with the peer
    • tunnelJoined

      void tunnelJoined​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs)
      Note that the router agreed to participate in a tunnel
    • tunnelRejected

      void tunnelRejected​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs, int severity)
      Note that a router explicitly rejected joining a tunnel
      peer - who rejected us
      responseTimeMs - how long it took to get the rejection
      severity - how much the peer doesnt want to participate in the tunnel (large == more severe)
    • tunnelTimedOut

      void tunnelTimedOut​(Hash peer)
      Note that a router timed out joining a tunnel
      peer - who rejected us
    • tunnelTestSucceeded

      void tunnelTestSucceeded​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs)
      Note that a tunnel that the router is participating in was successfully tested with the given round trip latency
    • tunnelDataPushed

      void tunnelDataPushed​(Hash peer, long rtt, int size)
      Note that we were able to push some data through a tunnel that the peer is participating in (detected after rtt).
    • tunnelDataPushed1m

      void tunnelDataPushed1m​(Hash peer, int size)
      Note that the peer is participating in a tunnel that pushed the given amount of data over the last minute.
    • tunnelLifetimePushed

      void tunnelLifetimePushed​(Hash peer, long lifetime, long size)
      Note that we were able to push the given amount of data through a tunnel that the peer is participating in
    • tunnelFailed

      void tunnelFailed​(Hash peer, int pct)
      Note that the peer participated in a tunnel that failed. Its failure may not have been the peer's fault however.
    • dbLookupSuccessful

      void dbLookupSuccessful​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs)
      Note that the peer was able to return the valid data for a db lookup
    • dbLookupFailed

      void dbLookupFailed​(Hash peer)
      Note that the peer was unable to reply to a db lookup - either with data or with a lookupReply redirecting the user elsewhere
    • dbLookupReply

      void dbLookupReply​(Hash peer, int newPeers, int oldPeers, int invalid, int duplicate, long responseTimeMs)
      Note that the peer replied to a db lookup with a redirect to other routers, where the list of redirected users included newPeers routers that the local router didn't know about, oldPeers routers that the local router already knew about, the given invalid routers that were invalid in some way, and the duplicate number of routers that we explicitly asked them not to send us, but they did anyway
    • dbLookupReceived

      void dbLookupReceived​(Hash peer)
      Note that the local router received a db lookup from the given peer
    • dbStoreReceived

      void dbStoreReceived​(Hash peer, boolean wasNewKey)
      Note that the local router received an unprompted db store from the given peer
    • dbStoreSent

      void dbStoreSent​(Hash peer, long responseTimeMs)
      Note that we've confirmed a successful send of db data to the peer (though we haven't necessarily requested it again from them, so they /might/ be lying)
    • dbStoreSuccessful

      void dbStoreSuccessful​(Hash peer)
      Note that we confirmed a successful send of db data to the peer.
    • dbStoreFailed

      void dbStoreFailed​(Hash peer)
      Note that we were unable to confirm a successful send of db data to the peer, at least not within our timeout period
    • heardAbout

      void heardAbout​(Hash peer)
      Note that the local router received a reference to the given peer, either through an explicit dbStore or in a dbLookupReply
    • heardAbout

      void heardAbout​(Hash peer, long when)
    • messageReceived

      void messageReceived​(Hash peer, String style, long msToReceive, int bytesRead)
      Note that the router received a message from the given peer on the specified transport. Messages received without any "from" information aren't recorded through this metric. If msToReceive is negative, there was no timing information available