Interface RouterThrottle

All Known Implementing Classes:
RouterDoSThrottle, RouterThrottleImpl

public interface RouterThrottle
Gatekeeper for deciding whether to throttle the further processing of messages through the router. This is seperate from the bandwidth limiting which simply makes sure the bytes transferred don't exceed the bytes allowed (though the router throttle should take into account the current bandwidth usage and limits when determining whether to accept or reject certain activities, such as tunnels)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean acceptNetDbLookupRequest​(Hash key)
    Should we accept the netDb lookup message, replying either with the value or some closer peers, or should we simply drop it due to overload?
    boolean acceptNetworkMessage()
    Should we accept any more data from the network for any sort of message, taking into account our current load, or should we simply slow down?
    int acceptTunnelRequest()
    Should we accept the request to participate in the given tunnel, taking into account our current load and bandwidth usage commitments?
    void cancelShutdownStatus()  
    double getInboundRateDelta()
    How much faster (or if negative, slower) we are receiving data as opposed to our longer term averages?
    String getLocalizedTunnelStatus()
    getTunnelStatus(), translated if available.
    long getMessageDelay()
    How backed up we are at the moment processing messages (in milliseconds)
    long getTunnelLag()
    How backed up our tunnels are at the moment (in milliseconds)
    String getTunnelStatus()
    Message on the state of participating tunnel acceptance
    void setShutdownStatus()  
    void setTunnelStatus​(String msg)  
  • Method Details

    • acceptNetworkMessage

      boolean acceptNetworkMessage()
      Should we accept any more data from the network for any sort of message, taking into account our current load, or should we simply slow down?
    • acceptTunnelRequest

      int acceptTunnelRequest()
      Should we accept the request to participate in the given tunnel, taking into account our current load and bandwidth usage commitments?
      0 if it should be accepted, higher values for more severe rejection
    • acceptNetDbLookupRequest

      boolean acceptNetDbLookupRequest​(Hash key)
      Should we accept the netDb lookup message, replying either with the value or some closer peers, or should we simply drop it due to overload?
    • getMessageDelay

      long getMessageDelay()
      How backed up we are at the moment processing messages (in milliseconds)
    • getTunnelLag

      long getTunnelLag()
      How backed up our tunnels are at the moment (in milliseconds)
    • getInboundRateDelta

      double getInboundRateDelta()
      How much faster (or if negative, slower) we are receiving data as opposed to our longer term averages?
    • getTunnelStatus

      String getTunnelStatus()
      Message on the state of participating tunnel acceptance
    • setTunnelStatus

      void setTunnelStatus​(String msg)
    • getLocalizedTunnelStatus

      String getLocalizedTunnelStatus()
      getTunnelStatus(), translated if available.
    • setShutdownStatus

      void setShutdownStatus()
    • cancelShutdownStatus

      void cancelShutdownStatus()