Class ProfileOrganizer


public class ProfileOrganizer
extends Object
Keep the peer profiles organized according to the tiered model. This does not actively update anything - the reorganize() method should be called periodically to recalculate thresholds and move profiles into the appropriate tiers, and addProfile() should be used to add new profiles (placing them into the appropriate groupings).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setUs

      public void setUs​(Hash us)
    • getUs

      public Hash getUs()
    • getSpeedThreshold

      public double getSpeedThreshold()
    • getCapacityThreshold

      public double getCapacityThreshold()
    • getIntegrationThreshold

      public double getIntegrationThreshold()
    • getProfile

      public PeerProfile getProfile​(Hash peer)
      Retrieve the profile for the given peer, if one exists (else null). Blocking if a reorganize is happening.
    • getProfileNonblocking

      public PeerProfile getProfileNonblocking​(Hash peer)
      Retrieve the profile for the given peer, if one exists (else null). Non-blocking. Returns null if a reorganize is happening.
    • getOrCreateProfileNonblocking

      PeerProfile getOrCreateProfileNonblocking​(Hash peer)
      Retrieve the profile for the given peer, if one exists. If it does not exist and it can get the lock, it will create and return a new profile. Non-blocking. Returns null if a reorganize is happening.
    • addProfile

      public PeerProfile addProfile​(PeerProfile profile)
      Add the new profile, returning the old value (or null if no profile existed)
    • countFastPeers

      public int countFastPeers()
    • countHighCapacityPeers

      public int countHighCapacityPeers()
    • countWellIntegratedPeers

      @Deprecated public int countWellIntegratedPeers()
      use ProfileManager.getPeersByCapability('f').size()
    • countNotFailingPeers

      public int countNotFailingPeers()
    • countFailingPeers

      public int countFailingPeers()
    • countActivePeers

      public int countActivePeers()
    • countActivePeersInLastHour

      public int countActivePeersInLastHour()
    • isFast

      public boolean isFast​(Hash peer)
    • isHighCapacity

      public boolean isHighCapacity​(Hash peer)
    • isWellIntegrated

      public boolean isWellIntegrated​(Hash peer)
    • isFailing

      public boolean isFailing​(Hash peer)
      Deprecated for now, always false
    • clearProfiles

      void clearProfiles()
    • peerSendsBadReplies

      public boolean peerSendsBadReplies​(Hash peer)
      Does the given peer send us bad replies - either invalid store messages (expired, corrupt, etc) or unreachable replies (pointing towards routers that don't exist).
    • exportProfile

      public boolean exportProfile​(Hash profile, OutputStream out) throws IOException
      true if successful, false if not found
    • selectFastPeers

      public void selectFastPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are both fast and reliable. If an insufficient number of peers are both fast and reliable, fall back onto high capacity peers, and if that doesn't contain sufficient peers, fall back onto not failing peers, and even THAT doesn't have sufficient peers, fall back onto failing peers.
      howMany - how many peers are desired
      exclude - set of Hashes for routers that we don't want selected
      matches - set to store the return value in
    • selectFastPeers

      public void selectFastPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches, int mask)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are both fast and reliable. If an insufficient number of peers are both fast and reliable, fall back onto high capacity peers, and if that doesn't contain sufficient peers, fall back onto not failing peers, and even THAT doesn't have sufficient peers, fall back onto failing peers.
      howMany - how many peers are desired
      exclude - set of Hashes for routers that we don't want selected
      matches - set to store the return value in
      mask - 0-4 Number of bytes to match to determine if peers in the same IP range should not be in the same tunnel. 0 = disable check; 1 = /8; 2 = /16; 3 = /24; 4 = exact IP match
    • selectFastPeers

      public void selectFastPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches, SessionKey randomKey, ProfileOrganizer.Slice subTierMode)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are both fast and reliable. If an insufficient number of peers are both fast and reliable, fall back onto high capacity peers, and if that doesn't contain sufficient peers, fall back onto not failing peers, and even THAT doesn't have sufficient peers, fall back onto failing peers.
      howMany - how many peers are desired
      exclude - set of Hashes for routers that we don't want selected
      matches - set to store the return value in
      randomKey - used for deterministic random partitioning into subtiers
      subTierMode - 0 or 2-7:
          0: no partitioning, use entire tier
          2: return only from group 0 or 1
          3: return only from group 2 or 3
          4: return only from group 0
          5: return only from group 1
          6: return only from group 2
          7: return only from group 3
    • selectHighCapacityPeers

      public void selectHighCapacityPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that have a high capacity
    • selectHighCapacityPeers

      public void selectHighCapacityPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches, int mask)
      mask - 0-4 Number of bytes to match to determine if peers in the same IP range should not be in the same tunnel. 0 = disable check; 1 = /8; 2 = /16; 3 = /24; 4 = exact IP match
    • selectWellIntegratedPeers

      @Deprecated public void selectWellIntegratedPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are well integrated into the network.
    • selectWellIntegratedPeers

      @Deprecated public void selectWellIntegratedPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches, int mask)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are well integrated into the network.
      mask - 0-4 Number of bytes to match to determine if peers in the same IP range should not be in the same tunnel. 0 = disable check; 1 = /8; 2 = /16; 3 = /24; 4 = exact IP match
    • selectNotFailingPeers

      public void selectNotFailingPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are not failing, preferring ones that we are already talking with
    • selectNotFailingPeers

      public void selectNotFailingPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches, int mask)
      mask - ignored, should call locked_selectPeers, to be fixed
    • selectNotFailingPeers

      public void selectNotFailingPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches, boolean onlyNotFailing)
    • selectNotFailingPeers

      public void selectNotFailingPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches, boolean onlyNotFailing, int mask)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are not failing, preferring ones that we are already talking with
      howMany - how many peers to find
      exclude - what peers to skip (may be null)
      matches - set to store the matches in
      onlyNotFailing - if true, don't include any high capacity peers
      mask - ignored, should call locked_selectPeers, to be fixed
    • selectActiveNotFailingPeers

      public void selectActiveNotFailingPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are both not failing and we're actively talking with. We use commSystem().isEstablished(), not profile.getIsActive(), as the NTCP idle time is now shorter than the 5 minute getIsActive() threshold, and we're using this to try and limit connections. Caution, this does NOT cascade further to non-connected peers, so it should only be used when there is a good number of connected peers.
      exclude - non-null, WARNING - side effect, all not-connected peers are added No mask parameter, to be fixed
    • selectAllNotFailingPeers

      public void selectAllNotFailingPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches, boolean onlyNotFailing)
      Return a set of Hashes for peers that are not failing.
    • selectFailingPeers

      public void selectFailingPeers​(int howMany, Set<Hash> exclude, Set<Hash> matches)
      I'm not quite sure why you'd want this... (other than for failover from the better results)
    • selectPeersLocallyUnreachable

      public List<Hash> selectPeersLocallyUnreachable()
      Get the peers the transport layer thinks are unreachable and peers requiring introducers.
    • selectPeersRecentlyRejecting

      public List<Hash> selectPeersRecentlyRejecting()
      Get the peers that have recently rejected us for bandwidth recent == last 20s
    • selectAllPeers

      public Set<Hash> selectAllPeers()
      Find the hashes for all peers we are actively profiling
    • reorganize

      void reorganize()
      Place peers into the correct tier, as well as expand/contract and even drop profiles according to whatever limits are in place. Peer profiles are not coalesced during this method, but the averages are recalculated.
    • reorganize

      void reorganize​(boolean shouldCoalesce, boolean shouldDecay)
    • isSelectable

      public boolean isSelectable​(Hash peer)
    • getMinimumFastPeers

      protected int getMinimumFastPeers()
      Defines the minimum number of 'fast' peers that the organizer should select. If the profile calculators derive a threshold that does not select at least this many peers, the threshold will be overridden to make sure this many peers are in the fast+reliable group. This parameter should help deal with a lack of diversity in the tunnels created when some peers are particularly fast. Increase default for every local destination, up to a max.
      minimum number of peers to be placed in the 'fast' group
    • getMaximumFastPeers

      protected int getMaximumFastPeers()
      fixme add config @since 0.7.10
    • getMaximumHighCapPeers

      protected int getMaximumHighCapPeers()
      fixme add config @since 0.7.11
    • getMinimumHighCapacityPeers

      protected int getMinimumHighCapacityPeers()
      Defines the minimum number of 'high capacity' peers that the organizer should select. If the profile calculators derive a threshold that does not select at least this many peers, the threshold will be overridden to make sure this many peers are in the fast+reliable group. This parameter should help deal with a lack of diversity in the tunnels created when some peers are particularly fast.
      minimum number of peers to be placed in the 'high capacity' group
    • main

      public static void main​(String[] args)
      Read in all of the profiles specified and print out their calculated values. Usage:
        ProfileOrganizer [filename]*