Class MigrateJetty


abstract class MigrateJetty
extends Object
Migrate the clients.config and jetty.xml files from Jetty 5/6 to Jetty 7/8. Also migrate jetty.xml from Jetty 7/8 to Jetty 9. For each client for class org.mortbay.jetty.Server:
  Let $D be the dir that jetty.xml is in (usually ~/.i2p/eepsite)
  Saves $D/jetty.xml to $D/jetty6.xml
  Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/jetty.xml to $D/jetty.xml, edited for $D
  Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/jetty-ssl.xml to $D/jetty-ssl.xml, edited for $D
  Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/jetty-rewrite.xml to $D/jetty-rewrite.xml
  Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/context/base-context.xml to $D/jetty.xml, edited for $D
  Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/context/cgi-context.xml to $D/jetty.xml, edited for $D
  Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/etc/* to $D/etc
  Changes main class in clients.config
Copies clients.config to clients.config.jetty6; Saves new clients.config. Does NOT preserve port number, thread counts, etc. in the migration to 7/8. DOES preserve everything in the migration to 9.
Jetty 6
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • migrate

      public static void migrate​(RouterContext ctx, List<ClientAppConfig> apps)
      For each entry in apps, if the main class is an old Jetty class, migrate it to the new Jetty class, and update the Jetty config files.