Package net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp
The NTCP transport allows passing I2P messages on top of TCP. The N in NTCP stands for 'New', as the NTCP transport replaces an older TCP transport which had issues concerning congestion collapse.
Interface Summary Interface Description EstablishState Handle the establishmentNTCP2Payload.PayloadCallback For all callbacks, recommend throwing exceptions only from the handshake. -
Class Summary Class Description EstablishBase Inbound NTCP 2 only.EventPumper The main NTCP NIO thread.InboundEstablishState NTCP 2.NTCP2Options NTCP2 Padding/Dummy/Delay configuration for data phase.NTCP2Payload NTCP2 Payload generation and parsingNTCP2Payload.Block Base class for blocks to be transmitted.NTCP2Payload.DateTimeBlock NTCP2Payload.I2NPBlock NTCP2Payload.OptionsBlock NTCP2Payload.PaddingBlock NTCP2Payload.RIBlock NTCP2Payload.TerminationBlock NTCPConnection Coordinate the connection to a single peer.NTCPConnection.PrepBuffer NTCPSendFinisher Previously, NTCP was using SimpleTimer with a delay of 0, which was a real abuse.NTCPTransport The NIO TCP transportOutboundNTCP2State NTCP 2 only.Reader Pool of running threads which will process any read bytes on any of the NTCPConnections, including the decryption of the data read, connection handshaking, parsing bytes into I2NP messages, etc.Writer Pool of running threads which will transform the next I2NP message into something ready to be transferred over an NTCP connection, including the encryption of the data read. -
Enum Summary Enum Description EstablishBase.State