Package net.i2p.router.web
The router console user interface, implemented in routerconsole.jar, with these classes supporting the webapp in routerconsole.war. Entry point is RouterConsoleRunner, started from clients.config.
Most jsp pages in the console use a "Helper" or a "Renderer" class to assist in generating the HTML. For configuration pages that accept changes via POST, there is additionally a "Handler" class to process the POST data. Helpers usually extend HelperBase, and Handlers usually extend FormHandler. The base classes are in this package, but most Helpers, Handlers, and Renderers are in the helpers package.
This package was split in release 0.9.33, with most of the helpers and handlers moved to net.i2p.router.web.helpers, and moving them from routerconsole.jar to routerconsole.war.
No classes contained here are part of a public API. Subject to change. Not for public use.
Class Summary Class Description App ConfigServiceHandler Handler to deal with form submissions from the service config form and act upon the values.ConfigUpdateHandler ConfigUpdateHelper ConsolePasswordManager Manage both plaintext and salted/hashed password storage in router.config.ContentHelper ContextHelper CSSHelper Copied and modded from I2PTunnel IndexBean (GPL)CSSHelper.StringFormatter Capitalize first letter of each word of string Simple form handler base class - does not depend on servlets or jsp, but instead the subclasses are populated with javabean properties.GraphConstants Basic graph defaultsHelperBase Base helperHostCheckHandler Block certain Host headers to prevent DNS rebinding attacks.LocaleWebAppHandler Convert foo.jsp to foo_xx.jsp for language xx.Messages Translate strings for this package.NavHelper NewsFeedHelper HTML-formatted full news entriesNewsHelper If news file does not exist, use file from the initialNews directory in $I2PPluginStarter Start/stop/delete plugins that are already installed Get properties of installed plugins Get or change settings in plugins.configPluginStopper Stop all plugins that are installed and runningRouterConsoleRunner Start the router console.StatSummarizer A thread started by RouterConsoleRunner that checks the configuration for stats to be tracked via jrobin, and adds or deletes RRDs as necessary.SummaryListener Creates and updates the in-memory or on-disk RRD database, and provides methods to generate graphs of the dataSummaryRenderer Generate the RRD graph png images, including the combined rate graph.UpdateHandler Handles the request to update the router by firing one or moreEepGet
calls to download the latest signed update file and displaying the status to anyone who asks.WebAppConfiguration Add to the webapp classpath as specified in webapps.config.WebAppStarter Add, start or stop a webapp.WrapperListener Listen for events.