Interface PeerListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

interface PeerListener
Listener for Peer events.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void connected​(Peer peer)
    Called when the connection to the peer has started and the handshake was successfull.
    void disconnected​(Peer peer)
    Called when the connection to the peer was terminated or the connection handshake failed.
    void downloaded​(Peer peer, int size)
    Called when a (partial) piece has been downloaded from the peer.
    PartialPiece getPartialPiece​(Peer peer, BitField havePieces)
    Called when a peer has connected and there may be a partially downloaded piece that the coordinatorator can give the peer task
    I2PSnarkUtil getUtil()
    boolean gotBitField​(Peer peer, BitField bitfield)
    Called when a bitmap message is received.
    void gotChoke​(Peer peer, boolean choke)
    Called when a choke message is received.
    void gotCommentReq​(Peer peer, int num)
    Called when comments are requested via ut_comment
    void gotComments​(Peer peer, List<Comment> comments)
    Called when comments are received via ut_comment
    void gotExtension​(Peer peer, int id, byte[] bs)
    Called when an extension message is received.
    boolean gotHave​(Peer peer, int piece)
    Called when a have piece message is received.
    void gotInterest​(Peer peer, boolean interest)
    Called when an interested message is received.
    void gotPeers​(Peer peer, List<PeerID> pIDList)
    Called when peers are received via PEX
    boolean gotPiece​(Peer peer, PartialPiece piece)
    Called when a piece is received from the peer.
    void gotPort​(Peer peer, int port, int rport)
    Called when a DHT port message is received.
    ByteArray gotRequest​(Peer peer, int piece, int off, int len)
    Called when the peer wants (part of) a piece from us.
    boolean needPiece​(Peer peer, BitField bitfield)
    Called when we are downloading from the peer and may need to ask for a new piece.
    void savePartialPieces​(Peer peer, List<Request> pcs)
    Called when the peer has disconnected and the peer task may have a partially downloaded piece that the PeerCoordinator can save
    void uploaded​(Peer peer, int size)
    Called when a (partial) piece has been uploaded to the peer.
    int wantPiece​(Peer peer, BitField bitfield)
    Called when we are downloading from the peer and need to ask for a new piece.
  • Method Details

    • connected

      void connected​(Peer peer)
      Called when the connection to the peer has started and the handshake was successfull.
      peer - the Peer that just got connected.
    • disconnected

      void disconnected​(Peer peer)
      Called when the connection to the peer was terminated or the connection handshake failed.
      peer - the Peer that just got disconnected.
    • gotChoke

      void gotChoke​(Peer peer, boolean choke)
      Called when a choke message is received.
      peer - the Peer that got the message.
      choke - true when the peer got a choke message, false when the peer got an unchoke message.
    • gotInterest

      void gotInterest​(Peer peer, boolean interest)
      Called when an interested message is received.
      peer - the Peer that got the message.
      interest - true when the peer got a interested message, false when the peer got an uninterested message.
    • gotHave

      boolean gotHave​(Peer peer, int piece)
      Called when a have piece message is received. If the method returns true and the peer has not yet received a interested message or we indicated earlier to be not interested then an interested message will be send.
      peer - the Peer that got the message.
      piece - the piece number that the per just got.
      true when it is a piece that we want, false if the piece is already known.
    • gotBitField

      boolean gotBitField​(Peer peer, BitField bitfield)
      Called when a bitmap message is received. If this method returns true a interested message will be send back to the peer.
      peer - the Peer that got the message.
      bitfield - a BitField containing the pieces that the other side has.
      true when the BitField contains pieces we want, false if the piece is already known.
    • gotPiece

      boolean gotPiece​(Peer peer, PartialPiece piece)
      Called when a piece is received from the peer. The piece must be requested by Peer.request() first. If this method returns false that means the Peer provided a corrupted piece and the connection will be closed.
      peer - the Peer that got the piece.
      piece - the piece received.
      true when the bytes represent the piece, false otherwise.
    • gotRequest

      ByteArray gotRequest​(Peer peer, int piece, int off, int len)
      Called when the peer wants (part of) a piece from us. Only called when the peer is not choked by us (peer.choke(false) was called).
      peer - the Peer that wants the piece.
      piece - the piece number requested.
      off - byte offset into the piece.
      len - length of the chunk requested.
      a byte array containing the piece or null when the piece is not available (which is a protocol error).
    • downloaded

      void downloaded​(Peer peer, int size)
      Called when a (partial) piece has been downloaded from the peer.
      peer - the Peer from which size bytes where downloaded.
      size - the number of bytes that where downloaded.
    • uploaded

      void uploaded​(Peer peer, int size)
      Called when a (partial) piece has been uploaded to the peer.
      peer - the Peer to which size bytes where uploaded.
      size - the number of bytes that where uploaded.
    • wantPiece

      int wantPiece​(Peer peer, BitField bitfield)
      Called when we are downloading from the peer and need to ask for a new piece. Might be called multiple times before gotPiece() is called.
      peer - the Peer that will be asked to provide the piece.
      bitfield - a BitField containing the pieces that the other side has.
      one of the pieces from the bitfield that we want or -1 if we are no longer interested in the peer.
    • needPiece

      boolean needPiece​(Peer peer, BitField bitfield)
      Called when we are downloading from the peer and may need to ask for a new piece. Returns true if wantPiece() or getPartialPiece() would return a piece.
      peer - the Peer that will be asked to provide the piece.
      bitfield - a BitField containing the pieces that the other side has.
      if we want any of what the peer has
    • savePartialPieces

      void savePartialPieces​(Peer peer, List<Request> pcs)
      Called when the peer has disconnected and the peer task may have a partially downloaded piece that the PeerCoordinator can save
      peer - the peer
    • getPartialPiece

      PartialPiece getPartialPiece​(Peer peer, BitField havePieces)
      Called when a peer has connected and there may be a partially downloaded piece that the coordinatorator can give the peer task
      havePieces - the have-pieces bitmask for the peer
      request (contains the partial data and valid length)
    • gotExtension

      void gotExtension​(Peer peer, int id, byte[] bs)
      Called when an extension message is received.
      peer - the Peer that got the message.
      id - the message ID
      bs - the message payload
    • gotPort

      void gotPort​(Peer peer, int port, int rport)
      Called when a DHT port message is received.
      peer - the Peer that got the message.
      port - the query port
      rport - the response port
    • gotPeers

      void gotPeers​(Peer peer, List<PeerID> pIDList)
      Called when peers are received via PEX
      peer - the Peer that got the message.
      pIDList - the peer IDs (dest hashes)
    • getUtil

      I2PSnarkUtil getUtil()
    • gotCommentReq

      void gotCommentReq​(Peer peer, int num)
      Called when comments are requested via ut_comment
    • gotComments

      void gotComments​(Peer peer, List<Comment> comments)
      Called when comments are received via ut_comment